Have you ever thought about going into business for yourself?

Most of us have at one time or another, but something usually holds us back. (often it's resources) The idea of being your own boss and starting your own business can be very appealing, but it is quite often oversold by promoters of how to courses who gloss over what is actually required to do it. We have a quiz you can take below to find your business strengths and and help you determine if a business is right for you.
Not everyone is cut out to own a business, but business does drive the economy and provide many opportunities including some very good career paths. Your test results will give you an idea of your strengths and where you might fit best.
If you are not happy with where you are and what you are doing there is plenty of opportunity in the business world for managers, leaders, and entrepreneurs, but in the event you see yourself more as a worker than a manager, leader, or business person, you may want to check out a paid Intern program.